A new chapter begins...

Hello Friends and Art Lovers,

We have just gone through a busy couple of months leading up to the closing of our physical location on Merchants Square. We want to thank so many people for their kind words and expressions of sympathy about how much they will miss the gallery.  It was a bittersweet decision to move to online-only but I became acutely aware that an artist truly needs plenty of time to create and paint and that it is simply not possible to also run a 4,000+ square foot gallery with up to forty artists at the same time.  The three years of the gallery were exciting times during which we hosted over fifty events and exhibited the work of more than a hundred painters and sculptors from all across America and several foreign countries.  We were proud to have received a national award in only our second year and to have displayed the exceptional works of a number of nationally-prominent artists.  We purposely created two Williamsburg Art Gallery volumes (2015-16 and 2017-18) which we believe do a faithful job of recapturing the art and atmosphere of those fun times!


Now, a new chapter begins.  I want to thank my family and especially our daughter and son-in-law, whom we fondly have referred to as our ‘IT department in San Francisco’ :-). They have done so much to create, maintain, and now re-invent our gallery website and online store. We look forward to hearing your thoughts about our new online store and will take your feedback to heart, making whatever constructive improvements the website will allow.

I will be traveling and look forward to spending some time in Istanbul and along the Aegean coast.  I love everything which has to do with sandy beaches, transparent seas and sunshine every day!  I will also visit art galleries and explore new places in search of inspiration, looking for new subjects to paint.  Then upon my return, I will really be looking forward to painting again on a regular basis! 

We are planning to soon expand the Williamsburg Art Gallery online store to carry the work of other artists and sculptors at the beginning of next year.   Priority will be given to Virginia and local area artists whose work will be juried for inclusion on the online store.   If you are an artist and this opportunity could be of potential interest to you, we encourage you to send us an e-mail at info@wmbgartgallery.com and we will place you on distribution for an announcement which will come out later this Fall.

I want to wish everyone an enjoyable continuation of their summer holidays and look forward to seeing many of you in Williamsburg or chatting ‘virtually’ online with you later this Fall!

